Asset Protection is a cornerstone of any family's desire to create, build, or enhance a legacy of wealth.  But simple mistakes, business mishaps, accidents, a need for long-term care, and especially a lack of estate planning can devastate a family's ability to create a legacy. 

There are many things that we generally consider "risks" to our family wealth–creditors, business failures, car accidents, lawsuits, etc. But people too often ignore the threats that we see everyday, like the costs of long-term care, accidents, or your child's future ex-spouse.

Attorney Skandier’s choice to wholly focus on estate planning has allowed him to understand and create a wide variety of trust strategies that can provide a plethora of benefits for families. Depending on your goals, your home, assets, and wealth can be protected from almost all foreseeable circumstances.  Additionally, you can choose to pass to your children and other beneficiaries' inheritance by way of trusts, which greatly enhance the gift they are receiving, by protecting it from creditors, lawsuits, and potentially divorcing spouses.

Asset protection









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