June 28 & 29 - Protecting and Enhancing Family Wealth (Free Seminar)


Estate Planning Attorney Mark E. Skandier (President of Private Wealth Counsel) will be touching on topics like minimizing taxes; protecting assets; creating a legacy. This is a discussion you do not want to miss.!

Light dinner and refreshments will be provided!

RSVP BY JUNE 15, 2017

Where:      40 Locke Street, Haverhill, MA

When:       June 28 & 29 at 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

To reserve your spot(s):

RSVP by clicking on the link below: 

June 28th: http://ow.ly/DWvw30c2f6m

June 29th: http://ow.ly/9DAr30c2en

Contact: Luis@privatewealthcounsel.com

or Call (978) 241-4871

May 18 - Funding Your Trust + An Intro To Financial Products

There are various methods, financial products, rules and regulations that can be strategically employed to maximize the use of your own money, protect it from taxes and other risks, and even enhance it for the benefit of your children. Attorney Skandier will be helping you understand these laws and also answer any questions you may have.

RSVP is required!

Where:      40 Locke Street, Haverhill, MA

When:       Thursday, May 18 at 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

To reserve your spot(s):

RSVP: http://ow.ly/C5KZ30brQDA

Contact Mark@privatewealthcounsel.com

or Call (978) 241-4871

May 17 - Trust, MassHealth, and Medicaid Planning

"Estate Planning Attorney Mark Edward Skandier will be hosting a free estate planning seminar at the Haverhill Council on Aging.

In addition to providing a basic overview of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts, this advanced estate planning seminar will focus on three major issues:

  • Understanding and Qualifying for Mass Health
  • Trusts in Medicaid Planning
  • Protecting Assets from the costs of Long Term Care (Nursing Homes, etc.

RSVP required!

Where:      10 Welcome Street, Haverhill, MA

When:       Wednesday, May 17 at 1 PM - 2 PM

To reserve your spot(s):

RSVP: http://ow.ly/vaww30brPz

Contact Mark@privatewealthcounsel.com

or Call (978) 241-4871


FEBRUARY 23 - Estate Planning for MA Families

This Free Estate Planning Seminar is tailor-made for the Merrimack Valley family. 

Seminar Attendees will learn about: 

1. The Nuts & Bolts of Estate Planning

2. Revocable Living Trusts

3. Irrevocable Asset Protection Trusts

4. Realty Trusts & Life Insurance Trusts

5. Long Term Care Planning


Where:      40 Locke Street, Haverhill, MA

When:       Thursday, February 23rd, 6:30PM

To reserve your spot(s):

Contact Mark@privatewealthcounsel.com

or Call (978) 241-4871

February 10 - CLE for Financial Advisers

Are you a financial planner?   Insurance Agent?  Both?  

Do you want to know more about estate planning, so that you can add value to the services you provide to your clients? 

On Friday, February 10th, Attorney Skandier will host a free seminar, tailored specifically for financial planners, and approved by the CFP Board for 2.0 CLE credits.  

For detailed information, contact:

Mark@privatewealthcounsel.com or call us at (978) 241-4871.